Wednesday, December 6, 2006

There is no Plan B

As Christians, we are always asking God, "What is my purpose?". We want to know what His plan is for our lives. We want to make the right decisions. Sometimes we're afraid that when we make a wrong choice, maybe it messed up God's plan somehow. Maybe God had something really wonderful planned for our lives, but because of sin - we messed it up. We missed our big chance - we screwed up God's plans. Or maybe we're stuck at a crossroads and we're not sure which direction to turn. Neither way seems right or wrong - just different. What if we make the wrong choice?? Great. Messed up God's plan again. Guess He'll have to go to Plan B. Thanks to my selfishness, lust, greed, indecisiveness, whatever...God had to toss out Plan A, and if I can keep my act together, hopefully I can at least be used in Plan B (Or Plan J, K, or wherever you are on your "list".)

Sound familiar? Guess's utterly ridiculous. Did we forget that God understands our weaknesses & failures? WE have to understand and TRUST that God already has it all figured out! He KNOWS we mess up...He knew we were going to "mess up" before He even created us! He works all of our decisions (good & bad) into our Plan A! God is that good. He doesn't punish us for getting off track. He uses the consequences of our actions and works them into our Plan A. Ahhh....yes. We can rest knowing that we CANNOT MESS UP HIS PLANS FOR US!!!! As long as we continue to turn to Him - He will continue to put us right back on track with His Plan A for our lives. He is so good.

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