Saturday, January 6, 2007

It's as simple as...

Hope, Peace, Love.

n my previous blog I was obviously feeling anxious & unsettled. I want a focus. I feel God's calling on my life, but for what?? I'm praying for a clear direction. So a couple of days ago I went for a run in my neighborhood, and I kept hearing these three words in my head, "Hope, Peace, Love. Hope, Peace Love." Yes! That's what Christ was sent here for! To proclaim freedom for the captives (Hope), bind up the broken-hearted (Love), and release prisoners from their darkness (Peace). And as Christians (followers of Christ), we are called to do the same.

Maybe God will call me to a specific mission, a specific group of people or cause. Until my direction has been made clear - my purpose is to spread the Good News. There IS Hope! We CAN experience a Peace regardless of our circumstances! And because God loves you, and I love you - let me share with you what Christ has done in my life. He can do the same in yours - and more!

It's as simple as that. The ultimate purpose for my life is to spread Hope, Peace & Love. The message is the same to the poor, destitute and deprived as well as the rich, powerful and famous.

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